понедельник, 26 сентября 2011 г.

carpet types::Carpets are floor coverings that have been used since ancient times carpet types

carpet types

carpet types

carpet types

carpet types::Carpets are floor coverings that have been used since ancient times.
They are used for purposes such as decorating and brightening rooms, as well as, making them more comfortable.
Carpets have changed in many ways since they first started being manufactured and used.
Most carpets, such as exquisite persian carpets, were hand woven.
These carpets can be used most anywhere.
The words carpets and rugs are typically used interchangeably, and there are as many types, styles, and names for this textile as there are countries in the world.
Here, are some of the categories that have been seen around the world.
In earlier times there were no machines, thus women used to make the floor coverings or mats with their hands.
Colored yarns and threads are used and many embellishments are hand woven to make the carpets look unique and exquisite.
There was uniqueness in every carpet made as they were man made.
These are more popular as the oriental rugs or carpets and were originally from the chinese dynasties.
In china the usage of rugs and bed sheets with knotted as well as hand knotted work was very popular.
And thus these forms of rugs became popular in other parts of the world too gradually.
In this the pile of raw material is injected or inserted into a heavy backing material.
Then the same is bonded or attached to a less important backing which comprises of a natural fiber hessian weave.
This natural fiber hessian weave is also a man made substitute which helps in providing constancy to the whole rug structure.
For example there are oriental rugs of europe, spanish rugs, french rugs, chinese rugs, persian rugs, armenian rugs, turkish rugs, indian rugs, pakistani rugs, turkmen rugs, azerbaijani rugs, english rugs, afghan rugs, berber rugs, caucasian rugs, etc.
Thus one can now come to know how the rugs of the world have evolved over the years.
Even the making of the rugs and carpets have changed in the times and now the rugs are made mostly in factories on specialized machines unlike handmade carpets.
Herts carpet cleaners, the best carpet cleaning company in uk, is proudly providing their services in these areas of hertfordshire, uk.
More details about here.
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carpet types::It is comprised of looped or woven fibers, known as
piles, which are fastened to a rubber or cloth backing carpet types

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